Sunday, February 16, 2014

HURRAY!! Leaving Monday Morning!

Wow, Harry and I are READY to leave Portsmouth, Virginia!  Today, we just ran errands and I got more time to just sightsee Portsmouth an finally Norfolk.  The cab driver mentioned that the city was FULL of Mermaid Art.  I asked "Why?" and he didn't know for sure - just that there were a lot of mermaids all over the city.

I asked a few people and noticed the symbol for Norfolk was a mermaid.  The bus driver didn't know, but she said they always had mermaids.  Today I went to a local art gallery and the girl said the same thing.  She said they were a symbol for Norfolk and someone might know there.  After strolling through Portsmouth, a very famous maritime town and it's historical town  - passing through lots of churches and beautiful old homes - I decided to hop the ferry to go to Norfolk.

Everything was closed and empty except for the huge mall.  I hate to shop, but I thought MY LAST MALL!!  I tried to look for mermaid art, but only found one.  Outside Norfolk, were a few painted ones.  I thought it was a VERY GOOD SIGN that mermaids were all around - artistic, jubilent, happy, colorful mermaids!

The girl at Barnes & Noble said she thinks it's because of Norfolk's maritime history dating back to the early days of America.  She said the people found many pictures and drawings of mermaids in the Captain's logs and papers.  She said it would be interesting to google it - I'm too lazy - OBVIOUSLY, Norfolk and Portsmouth has a LONG HISTORY of maritime activity and they are famous for it.

I'm HAPPY to have signs all around me of mermaids.  Coincidence or DESTINY?  I"m not sure, but people have always said I was like a mermaid.  I rather be called a "selkie" or some other sea creature.  But all the same, mermaids bring a smile to my face and make me feel like I'm coming HOME to a MAGICAL underwater kingdom again.

Not sure what the next few months will bring me, but I KNOW it'll be FUN, EXCITING, and VERY ADVENTUROUS!!

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